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AMZ IT Solutions

We Build Websites & Web Applications

Fundamental Skills For A Web Developer

Date: 30 Jan 2022 | Author: Naim Zulkipli
Fundamental Skills For A Web Developer

Do you want to learn to become a web developer yourself? When you're building a simple and typical website for your start-up business, sure you can use online website building services that does not require coding. However, if you want to start a journey towards becoming a web developer and do a more dynamic and flexible website design, there are fundamental skills that you must learn. Yes, those skills involve coding. And yes, those skills are super easy to learn.

The most fundamental skills (non-exhaustive) that a web developer should master are the three most fundamental coding languages for doing website design: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


HyperText Markup Language serves as the foundation for almost all websites and remains the most vital skill to learn for web design. Even if you use a content management system or a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, understanding HTML allows you to control your workflow and work outside of these editors whenever necessary. (Source: Skills You Need)

2. CSS

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a complement to HTML, used to design websites in terms of fonts, colours and layout. (Source: Indeed (UK))

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a text-based programming language that allows you to construct interactive web pages on both the client and server sides. Whereas HTML and CSS provide structure and layout to web pages, JavaScript adds interactive components that keep users engaged. (Source: Interview Bit)

These three skills are the most fundamental in building websites. If you start your journey on becoming a web developer, you'll come across many other languages such as Ruby, PHP, Python, SQL, and many more. These many coding languages adds much more function to a website. But start with those three skills if you want to become a web developer. There are so many tutorials available online, and a lot of them are free.

If you're looking for a personal face-to-face or online web coding lessons with us, register for our web coding class.

Category: Website

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