Web Coding Class (Teens & Adults)
Information about our web coding classes. REGISTER NOW to book your session.

Our web coding class information:
- #1 Front-End Modules: HTML, CSS, Git & GitHub, JavaScript & JQuery, Publishing to The Web
- #2 Back-End Modules: Server Environment, SQL & Databases, PHP, Python & Django
- Total module: 120 hours
- Classes done face-to-face or online
- Open to teenagers / adults (15-55 years old)
- Suitable for those with no coding background
- Requisites: good English and Mathematics understanding
- Trainer has 20+ years of experience in web coding
- Presentation notes will be given
- Software for coding will be provided
- Students are required to bring their own laptop
- Classes will be done in Malay and/or English language
- Schedule: 1 class (1+ hour) per week
- Fees: USD130 / RM400 per month (online classes)
- Fees: RM500 per month (face-to-face classes, in Kuala Lumpur only)
- Discounted prices for group registration of 3 person and above

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